Small changes, big impact 


Technology for a
good cause

We are a self funded nonprofit organization focused on leveraging technology to create sustainable solutions and social entrepreneurship opportunities that help improve the lives of people in need. Our work is built on collaborating with partners who share our passion for identifying challenging problems, finding innovative ways to resolve them, then sharing the knowledge and experience to motivate and inspire others.

Our Founding Pillars

The projects we undertake are on a small-scale. A little contribution can sometimes lead to a big change in someone’s life. There are many problems across the globe; think about under-represented groups, especially women, and the barriers they face. In some countries they are living under excruciating circumstances and do not have equal access to information, support, training, and mostly funding. When collaboration meets strategic thinking, inequities can be alleviated. There is a solution to every problem…if innovation drives it.

These are a few areas we are enthusiastic about and were influenced by three innovators:

Change, not profit

The world known Nobel prize winner and microfinancing pioneer Muhammad Yunus developed a genius model for lifting people out of poverty without the need for a substantial amount of money.

He started by offering microloans, as small as $27, to create microbusinesses for the impoverished, mostly women. This gradually led to establishing the Grameen Bank. Such ‘social businesses’ are created and designed to address a problem and not to make profit. A positive disruption to lead change for a social cause.

Do, not fund

The Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation, the largest private foundation in the world, does not generally donate money directly to individuals. Their philosophy of work is based on identifying crucial problems and developing strategic goals before allocating resources.

They believe that all lives have equal importance. By combining their business expertise and influence, they are hoping to reduce inequity across the globe. The philanthropy model is built on people and partnerships because world complex issues are not solved alone.

Innovate, not criticize

The American inventor Richard Buckminster Fuller believed that “you never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”.

He says that “when I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But when I’ve finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it’s wrong”

His words inspire innovative thinking and creating solutions for meaningful change.

The Team

Mohammed Alobaidi

Founder & President

Mohammed is the chairman of Green Cubes Technology and carries decades of entrepreneurship experience. Starting as a small department, he led his business to becoming a leading tech company in the US and many parts of the world. Sharing his experience to inspire others was the motive for establishing this foundation.

Yasmine Almufti


Yasmine is a new graduate who is enthusiastic about starting her career and becoming an entrepreneur herself. She dedicates part of her time to work on several projects that involve supporting women entrepreneurs across the world.

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Seattle, Washington